Sapien Art Fitness
Martial Arts Club
est. 2020
Strength Beyond Physique
Call or Email to schedule an appointment
What is Sapian Art Fitness?
Sapien Art Fitness is designed to keep members in great mental health, physical consistency, and give situational awareness. In our unique system we focus on how to get the body ready to train to meet any challenge. For this to work, we must create workouts that do not only test the bodies endurance but pushes the will of the individual, like a fighter. Every human being on this planet will be tested in some way to make or break their will. We believe that ultimate discover of one’s abilities only comes when a person has no other options but to proceed. Do you want that will power?
Our focus is to use 4 structures to anyone of our workouts: C.A.S.E.
Meet The Team
Tre Connor
Warrior Coach
Owner & Founder, Tre Connor has been a student of the martial arts since the age of 5 yrs old. His dedication to his craft has lead to the understanding of fitness and mental fitness as one in the same. This lead to the creation of Sapien Art Fitness, to empower all those who join.
Jon Kippert
Boxing Coach
A complete student and fundamentalist of the sport of Boxing. Jon's passion for the skill of boxing and how that transfers to exercising and personal growth has given him an ability to create a program that novice and experienced boxers can benefit from.
The Wayland
Address: 305 Dr. M.L.K. Jr St S, St. Petersburg, FL 33705